Gunlocker Trusts
Help Protect Your Family and Friends from the “Accidental Felony”
The Perfect Solution to Owning, Sharing, and Transferring Firearms Responsibly
GUNLOCKER TRUST™ is your Legal “Gun Safe”
Gun rights and owning guns are important to you. You store them safely. You use them safely. Let us help you own, share, and transfer them safely.
GUNLOCKER TRUST™ is a trust system designed to help you avoid legal hassles now, hassles if you become disabled or die, and the likelihood of an “accidental felony” due to unlawful sharing, gifting, or selling a firearm.
GUNLOCKER TRUST™ is available in three versions to fit your needs and budget. Consulting and customization services are available for an additional fee.
Stay safe, secure, and within the law. Know how to protect your loved ones from an “Accidental Felony” using an attorney-backed solution.
GUNLOCKER TRUST™ was created to help you acquire, own, share, and transfer your firearms the way you want. Free trusts, Do It Yourself (DIY) trusts, online trusts, and any conventional living trust put you and your family at risk. Get a trust designed specifically for guns.
A GUNLOCKER TRUST™ helps you and yours enjoy your firearms collection within the law and reduces exposure to criminal penalties for doing so improperly.
- MARKSMAN – $495 (NFA Firearms)
Designed solely for NFA-regulated firearms permitted in the State of Colorado. Includes a telephone consultation.
- MARKSMAN – $495 (NFA Firearms)
- SHARPSHOOTER – $795 (ANY Firearm)
Offers the best combination of benefits and planning options for most clients. Identifies specific and remainder beneficiaries, contains detailed guidance on sharing benefits, and provides reference materials and attorney consult.
- SHARPSHOOTER – $795 (ANY Firearm)
- EXPERT – Start at $1295 (ANY Firearms)
Designed for those with larger collections or complex goals such as multi-state firearms ownership, separate planning for individual beneficiaries, or multi-generational planning for family benefits.
- EXPERT – Start at $1295 (ANY Firearms)
Contact Us!
Mile High Gun Law Group
A division of Davis Schilken, PC
Tel: (720) 473-4227
Click Below to View Frequently Asked Questions
Simply put, it is a revocable living trust (RLT) specifically written to own guns. Trusts are commonly used for estate plans, while a GUNLOCKER TRUST™ is specifically written for firearms with detailed instructions about how trust assets will be used and for whom. You can change it when you want, and you can share on your terms.
Many gun owners prefer using an entity to make it easier to acquire NFA firearms they can own in their state. Using an entity avoids the need to apply through your local Chief Law Enforcement Officer for a “sign-off” before applying to the BATFE. A GUNLOCKER TRUST™ also does not require annual state registration or fees.
A GUNLOCKER TRUST™ is an estate plan for your firearms. It’s your rulebook for how your guns may be used. A gun trust can avoid probate of your guns at your death. It can provide that certain guns pass to named people. It provides rules and instructions that help prevent accidental felonies when others use or are instructed to transfer a firearm as a sale, gift, or bequest.
You appoint a Trustee (often yourself) who is given power to administer trust assets on behalf of your beneficiaries, all of which is stated in your document. You can design it for anyone, including yourself, and you can be the Trustee and beneficiary, too. The trust is “funded” with guns and accessories so that the trust owns them. We use several types of legal transfer forms, generally an assignment or bill of sale.
A purpose-built GUNLOCKER TRUST™ helps safeguard you from the risks associated with owning and transferring firearms to others such as your beneficiaries. GUNLOCKER TRUST™ protects your privacy, property, family and friends. An improperly drafted gun trust creates serious problems. Such trusts include the “free” or do-it-yourself trusts that can be downloaded from the internet or acquired from a local gun shop. The only attraction is “price”. Most, if not all such trusts are SILENT about compliance with gun laws.
An invalid or noncompliant trust risks firearms confiscation or even commission of an “accidental felony.” This can occur when you innocently “share” treasured but regulated (NFA) firearms with your family or friends. Penalties are severe up to ten years in prison as well as fines up to $250,000 or more for conviction under the NFA.