Ohio Chimes In that Trust Assets are Protected from Property Division in a Divorce, Even When the Divorcing Beneficiary, as the Sole Trustee, Can Make Distributions to Himself

September 27, 2017

The trial court in Ohio, and the appellate court, both agreed after some well-thought out analysis, that a beneficiary’s interest in a third-party trust set up by his father was not marital property, and therefore not subject to division in that beneficiary’s divorce. Continue reading

How a Divorcing Spouse Can be Caught by Surprise by the Impact that Gifts Made Prior to a Divorce Can Have.

July 5, 2017

Think twice before making gifts from one spouse to the other if there is any likelihood a divorce could follow someday. In the case of Nelson v Nelson, decided on December 16, 2016 by the District Court of Appeal of Florida Second District, the husband and wife’s California home was transferred into a marital trust for the wife. The wife also served as the trustee. When a divorce ensued, the assets of both spouses were subject to division between the spouses. Continue reading