Your Post-Honeymoon Legal Checklist: Building a Strong Foundation

The honeymoon may be over, but the journey of building a life together is just beginning. Amid the joy of newlywed life, it’s important to address essential legal and financial steps to protect your future. Here’s a post-honeymoon checklist to help you get started:

1. Update Legal Documents

2. Review Beneficiary Designations

  • Update life insurance, retirement accounts, and payable-on-death accounts to include your spouse.

3. Consolidate Finances

  • Decide on joint vs. separate bank accounts.
  • Establish a budget to align financial goals.

4. Consider Property Ownership

  • Review property deeds to ensure proper ownership (e.g., joint tenancy with rights of survivorship).

5. Evaluate Your Insurance Policies

  • Update health, auto, and homeowner’s insurance to include your spouse.
  • Consider disability and long-term care coverage.

6. Establish or Update Your Estate Plan

  • A comprehensive estate plan ensures your wishes are honored and provides for your spouse in the future.

Taking these steps now creates a secure foundation for your life together. Consulting with the Davis Schilken, PC team can simplify the process and ensure every detail is addressed. Your marriage deserves not just love and laughter, but also a strong legal foundation to support it. Give our office a call today to schedule a no obligation meeting (303)670-9855.


