A common reason people give for creating an estate plan is that they want to avoid their estate going through probate. Part of the concern about probate involves fear that the estate will be consumed by probate costs. What exactly does probate (also known as estate administration) cost in Colorado, and are there any ways to minimize that cost? Continue reading
Month: July 2015
How to Keep Money from Dividing Your Family
Having money, as they say, is a good problem. Most people, when asked why it’s important to them to have money, answer in terms of not just what it can do for them, but for their loved ones. Money allows us to provide for our families, travel and have other experiences with them, and provide our children with education and opportunities. Continue reading
How to Deal With Grieving for Lost Loved Ones
As a probate and estate planning law firm, we necessarily deal with many families who have recently lost a loved one. We do our best to make things easier and less stressful for them by helping them handle the details of administering their loved one’s estate. Though we deal with the business aspects of a loss, we never forget that at the heart of things is a real person who was loved, and the very real grief of the people who are left behind. Continue reading
Planning for Same-Sex Marriages in Colorado
Marriage for gay couples has been legal in Colorado for some time. With the recent Supreme Court decision making same-sex marriage legal across the land, what does that mean for estate planning for same-sex couples? Now, like any other couple, couples in the LGBT community should incorporate planning for the future into the beginning of their married lives together. Continue reading